AWS Fargate vs Google Cloud Run - Which Serverless Computing Service Is Better?

October 25, 2021

AWS Fargate vs Google Cloud Run: The Ultimate Serverless Battle

If you're looking for serverless computing services, the two giants of cloud computing are Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud Platform. Both have their specialties and offer various services to suit your needs. Here, we'll compare AWS Fargate and Google Cloud Run to help you make a better decision.

What Are AWS Fargate and Google Cloud Run?

AWS Fargate

AWS Fargate is a compute engine that allows you to run containers without the need for managing servers or clusters. With AWS Fargate, you can deploy your containers to a serverless infrastructure and pay only for the resources that you consume.

Google Cloud Run

Google Cloud Run is a fully managed compute platform that automates the deployment and scaling of your containerized applications. It provides a managed environment for running stateless containers that are invoked via HTTP requests. Google Cloud Run runs your containers with the underlying infrastructure transparently managed on your behalf.


Pricing can be a critical factor when it comes to choosing between two cloud computing platforms. Here's a price comparison between the two.

AWS Fargate

AWS Fargate offers a pay-as-you-go pricing model where you pay only for the resources your containerized application consumes. You can choose from two pricing models: per vCPU per hour and per GB memory per hour. For example, the cost of running a serverless container with 1 vCPU and 1 GB memory per hour is $0.04048 in the US West (Oregon) region. If you prefer to estimate the cost of running your containerized application, Amazon also offers a cost calculator.

Google Cloud Run

With Google Cloud Run, you only pay for the number of requests and the duration of container runtimes you consume. The payment is calculated based on the number of necessary vCPU and memory resources your application needs. For example, if you decide to run a container with 1 vCPU and 1 GB memory in us-central1, the cost of running it for one hour is $0.0506. Here also, Google provides a calculator to estimate the cost of running an application.

Our Verdict

Both pricing models are relatively similar, with Google Cloud Run charging slightly more per hour than AWS Fargate. But then you may have other factors that make up for that extra penny.


AWS Fargate

AWS Fargate allows you to deploy containers in two ways: Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) or Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). You can choose from a range of container images in the AWS marketplace, or you can create your custom container images. The deployment process is automatic and creates a cluster for each service.

Google Cloud Run

Google Cloud Run supports several programming languages like Node.js, Python, Java, .NET, Go, and Ruby, and it can be used to build applications and containers. What’s unique about Cloud Run is that it can automatically scale your application depending on the number of incoming requests.

Our Verdict

Google Cloud Run takes an edge in deployment by offering support for several programming languages, while also having a serverless deployment model that requires zero infrastructure management.


AWS Fargate

AWS Fargate makes sure not to overbook and provision instances that will host your container, making your applications more resilient against other workloads in the cloud. AWS Fargate claims to deliver the same performance as Amazon EC2 instances with the same configuration.

Google Cloud Run

Google Cloud Run scales your container automatically depending on the number of incoming requests to improve the performance of your containers. This automated approach means that you don't have to worry about the lag time in updating the configuration when you have more traffic than expected.

Our Verdict

Both platforms provide seamless scaled performance. With Fargate, you can count on the same performance and resilience as EC2, while Cloud Run automatically scales up based on traffic without any user intervention.


Both AWS Fargate and Google Cloud Run have their specialties, and the choice between the two depends on your needs. Suppose you prefer AWS in general or you are familiar with other AWS services. In that case, you may feel more comfortable using Fargate. Alternatively, if your application runs in various programming languages and you're looking for a fully managed serverless deployment model, Cloud Run could be the right choice.

We hope this article has been helpful for you. Remember, serverless computing services could save you money and make your life easier, so get to it and choose the one that fulfills your unique demands.


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